The Metabolic States WorkbookTrack and Record Changes in Bodyweight and Composition【電子書籍】[ Larry Hoover ]
<p>This book is a companion volume to Metabolic States in which the metaboliccomposition state was introduced. It is a collection of the charts and graphs you will need to identify your own metcom state and record changes in bodyweight and body composition. Topics discussed include emaciation, obesity, heart disease, body mass index (BMI), waisthip ratio (WHR), and the amazing Bruce Randall. See how you measure up with those who are perfectly average, typical athletes in your chosen sport, famous celebrities, or the GrecoRoman gods Apollo, Hercules, and Venus! Keep a graphical record of your bodyweight and composition changes to help improve your health and increase your lifespan!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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